An impacted tooth is obstructed or “stuck” beneath the gum line and does not naturally erupt into its proper place. The most frequently impacted tooth is a third molar, or wisdom tooth, though it can also happen in canine teeth. Next to the incisors, canine teeth are found at the corners of the arch. They have a single sharp edge (cusp) that can be used to grab, grasp, and tear food. In addition, the lengthy root of the canine makes it a particularly strong and stable tooth. Canines are the last teeth to erupt, and they normally do so when your child is 12 or 13 years old.
By the age of seven, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive an orthodontic assessment, which allows us to track your child’s teeth eruption and catch impactions early.
If your child does develop an impacted canine, a minor surgical procedure to help the tooth emerge is recommended. First, we will surgically expose the tooth by creating a small flap in the surrounding gum. Depending on how far along the tooth is in its development, we can either leave it alone or attach an orthodontic bracket to assist control its downward trajectory once it has been disclosed.
Early identification, combined surgical and orthodontic treatment, and allowing your child’s impacted canines to erupt in the ideal location are all viable options for treating the condition.
Contact Esteem Braces and Aligners at (786) 744-1570 or fill out this online booking form if you need consultation for impacted canines at a dental office in North Miami Beach, FL.